The first step towards triumph in this battle of human ascent is the adoption of the principle of ‘simple living and high thinking' Life Management
Comming soon
Various shivir/camps, Gayatri Mantra Anushthan, Seminars/Events conducted frequently across the globe for spiritual upliftment.
Door to door Sanskar & Yagya with simple, minimum rituals and making its practical & scientific relevance to the present circumstances.
Spiritual refinement of the sukshma vatavarana (subtle atmosphere) by small, grand Yagya, Ashwamedhik Yagya regularly performed.
Garbh Sanskar, a scientifically proven fact, is an amazing way of teaching/ educating and bonding with unborn baby in womb during pregnancy
Higher-level research on Gayatri Mantra and the scientific effects of Yagya is performed in DSVV and Brahmvarchas - to make life peaceful and blissful.
Gayatri Pariwar providing a platform for gradual transition from family responsibilities to social welfare & spiritual pursuit.
Introducing Deep Yagya - effective means to convey the knowledge of Yagya with inspiring impact on the masses.
हम बदलेगें, युग बदलेगा हम सुधरेगें, युग सुधरेगा.
Rise of divinity in human, descent of heaven on earth
Individual Development, Family Development and Social Upliftment
Healthy body, pure mind and civilized society
Atmavat sarvabhooteshu (all living beings are soulkins), Vashudhaiv kutumbkam (Entire earth is the our family)
One Nation, One Language (love), One Religion (humanity), One Government (Self Govern)
Everyone should get equal opportunity for self-growth irrespective of caste, color or creed
Ne veniam oblique propriae vim, dicant.
United in Spirit